- Why should I do that? He hurt my face. 我为什么要这么做?他抓伤了我的脸。
- "Why should I do that for you ?I am happy with my light load," said the horse, scowlingly. 马不高兴地回答:“你凭什么让我帮你驮东西,我乐得轻松呢。”
- The vet stepped back, "Bert, why should I do such a terrible thing? 医生向后退了一步说:“伯特,为什么要我做这么可怕的事情?
- Why should I see her off to the bus station? Because she wants to stay with me even more than I do. 为什么要送她搭公车上班?因为她比我更希望能够多见对方一会儿。
- Question. A woman might feel, Why should I have to ask him when I don't require him to ask me? 问题:女人可能觉得,我不需要他要求我,那么为何我要要求他?
- Why should I trouble over that dirty job? 我才不去干那肮脏的勾当呢。
- Why should I get up at this unearthly hour? 为什麽我得这麽早起床?
- But why should I invent patterns of creation, evolution and destruction? I do not need them and have no desire to lock up the world in a mental picture. 但干吗我要发明成住毁空的样式?我并没需要他们也无意建筑一个象牙塔将世界反锁其中。
- Why should I trouble to explain it all? 为什麽我得费事都解释一遍呢?
- Why should I not confide in those that have been so kind to me? 为什么我不该信赖那些一直待我这样好的人呢?
- Yes,but I don't think they should do that. 是的,我想他们不应该那么做。
- Li guangming: Why should i stop her? What will i do if she doesn't pay money back? 李光明:我为什么要阻止她?她不去还钱我怎么办呢?
- You know as well as I do that you're being unreasonable. 你很清楚你不讲理。
- Ahem, so, uh, why are you telling me this? Why should I care? I don't care. What did you have for lunch today? 嗯,那么,你要告诉我这个干啥?我有什么好在意的?我不在意。你午饭想吃了什么?
- Why should I fight to uphold the system that cast me out? 我要眼看着它被彻底粉碎才高兴呢。
- Since he has been penitent, I don't think he will do that again. 既然他已经悔罪了,我认为他不会再那样做了。
- Why should I take the blame for somebody else's mistakes? 我为什麽要代人受过?
- Why should I do housework? 我凭什么要做家务?
- That should I do with the token? 拿了辅币怎么办?
- I do that you may know my plans. 我那么干是为了让你知道我的计划。